Oral and Maxillofacial Surgery
Oral, dental and maxillofacial surgery; In addition to the treatment of cystic or tumoral pathologies developing in both soft (cheek, palate, tongue, lip, muscles, etc.) and hard tissues (teeth, bones) in the mouth, tooth and jaw fractures, removal or maintenance of erupted or impacted teeth, it is a science that includes corrections to assist in the construction of prosthesis.
In this section, cyst operations, apicoectomy, implant surgery, sinus lifting, wisdom surgery, impacted teeth surgery, soft tissue and hard tissue grafting, preprosthetic surgery, vestibuloplasty, gingivoplasty, gingivectomy, botox and dermal filling applications are included.

Nowadays, thanks to laser applications with the developing technology, surgical applications are performed in an atraumatic way and thus patient comfort increases both during and after the operation.
Matters to be considered after the surgical operation;
Tampon: Bite the tampon placed on the field after the surgical procedure for 30 minutes. Throw away the tapmon after 30 minutes and do not replace it with anything else.
Do not spit and do not rinse your mouth: Do not rinse your mouth and spit on the day of the operation in order for the clot formed after the surgical procedure to stop stably and for a healthy recovery to occur.
Bleeding: Bleeding in the form of leakage is normal for the first 48 hours after surgery. Hot environment, taking hot bath and exerting excessive effort can increase bleeding. If bleeding continues, contact us or apply to our clinic.
Do not smoke: So as tocigarette smoke adversely affects blood supply in the wound area, it causes serious problems in wound healing and creates an environment prone to infection.
Pain: You may have pain for the first 2 days. Use the medicines given for this purpose in accordance with the recommendations of your doctor. If your pain increases after the 3rd day even though you use the medicines, contact us or apply to our clinic.
Swelling: Swelling (hydrops) may be seen in the operation field, cheek, lip and neck field within 3 days after the operation. Applying an ice pack to your face for one day after the surgery can prevent swelling to some extent. For this, place ice in a waterproof bag and wrap it in a towel for 5 minutes, then take a break for 5 minutes. For this, place ice in a waterproof bag and wrap it in a towel for 5 minutes, then take a break for 5 minutes. Do not make any application on the second day after the operation. You can apply hot tampons from the third day.
Restriction in mouth opening: You may have difficulty opening your mouth on the second or third day after surgery. This situation is directly related to the size of the hydrop. The restriction in mouth opening will disappear within a week.
Ecchymose: As a result of the accumulation of blood in the subcutaneous tissues adjacent to the operation field, bruises may appear skin on your face. This is not dangerous. It does not increase pain and is not a sign of infection. It will settle and disappear in 7-10 days.
Nutrition: For the first 2 days, feed with watery soft and warm foods such as puree and soup. Do not use for chewing your teeth close to the surgery field. You should drink water often. Avoid drinking carbonated and acidic beverages such as alcoholic and cola. Pay attention to good nutrition.
Oral care: Brush and floss your teeth as usual outside the surgical field for faster healing of the wound. Start brushing your teeth in the surgery area after 1 day. From the day after the surgery, follow the mouthwash prescription given to you after meals rinse your mouth by adding a teaspoon of salt in a glass of warm water.
Stitches: Stitches may have been placed during your surgery. Your stitches will be removed after 1 week.